
Showing posts from August, 2017

A Southern California Painters' Life

Welcome to my new blog! My name is Christine Apostolina Beirne and I'm an artist in Southern California. I love painting plein air, but also enjoy painting in my studio. Our weather (some might say lack of weather!) gives me the perfect opportunity to grab my easel and go outside and paint. The piece above is called "A View From Santa Cruz Island" and is one of my absolutely favorite places to go! A few years ago, I was fortunate to go on a painting exhibtion to the Channel Islands and I developed a deep appreciate and affection for them. Why? They are mainly undeveloped -- no motorized vehicles, not restaurants, very little water -- in other words, you have to pack everything in. can enjoy silence...the sounds of the waves, the birds flying otherwords: heaven! This piece is for sale (unframed) for $350.00 plus sales tax if you live in California. Just click on the Paypal button (you don't need paypal to purchase) and I'll ship it o