Join me on the Ojai Studio Artists Tour Oct. 14 - 16

"Santa Cruz Island" by Christine Apostolina Beirne
Getting ready for the Ojai Studio Artists Studio Tour involves a little more than hanging your paintings on the wall, it takes straightening out the yard (I still haven't gotten around to pulling out my tomato plants), vacuuming the studio, putting away paintings I thought I'd have ready for the tour but don't...and of course, promotion -- like this blog! (I think I just won the award for the longest sentence.)

Anyway, the piece on the left "Santa Cruz Island" is from one of my favorite places: Santa Cruz Island which is part of the Channel Islands off Southern California. Remote. Silent. Beautiful.

If any of you know our area, this is definitely a winter painting...California turns brown during the summer!

"Santa Cruz Island" is available and for sale on the tour, in my studio (#17 on the map!) for $540.00. It's 8x10 and comes framed!

Tickets for the tour are on sale now and are cheaper if you buy them today rather than tomorrow. Go to and buy your tickets today.

Hope to see you on the tour!


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